Acupuncture Survey
Dear Members
Please read the email below.
It is important that we respond. The BAWMA members have not been great in the past at making their opinions known so please respond .
The survey attachment was not sent with the initial email, which caused the delay in sending this out to you
Many thanks
A survey on patients’ response to acupuncture
As an acupuncture practitioner, you may have found that some patients seem to respond well to acupuncture and benefit a great deal from receiving treatment, whereas others appear to respond less well or even poorly and benefit less from treatment.
The purpose of this survey of UK acupuncture practitioners is to find out why you think this may happen. We hope the results will be of interest to the profession as a whole, and plan to publish them.
You can access the survey at:
It should take around 15 to 40 minutes to complete (possibly longer if responses are detailed), and will be available online until 28 February 2018.
No identifiable personal data are being collected in this survey. Participation is voluntary and as such may be withdrawn at any stage, without having to give a reason.
Ethics approval for the project has been granted by the University of Hertfordshire Health, Sciences, Engineering and Technology Ethics Committee [Protocol number HSK/SF/UH/02930].
This survey has been developed by traditional acupuncturist David Mayor, who is a visiting Fellow (Physiotherapy) at the University of Hertfordshire, and a small eFocus Group of mainly other acupuncture practitioners. If you have any questions about the survey, you can email the moderator at
The other members of the group are:
Ashley Bennett Diana Ernaelsteen*
Mark Bovey Roz Gibbs
Karen Charlesworth Bea Masters
Amy Din Tony Steffert*
[* Non-acupuncturists]