"Further to yesterdays email, we wish to add that facial acupuncture should be avoided for now, as it will involve excessive closeness to the client. Additionally the number of treatments per day needs to be kept low to reduce the risks. We would advise no more than 4-6 treatments per day. There needs to be time between each patient for sanitising of all surfaces and this must not be rushed to see more clients. Try to gain as much information as possible on the phone prior to the client attending for treatment. We have also attached a form, that can be adapted, for you to email to the clients for them to complete prior to attending the clinic. As always if you have any further questions please do let us know.
Best wishes and stay safe
You may copy and paste the form below to a word document. You can add your name/clinic name and logo to it.
Prior to treatment please sign and date this form and bring it with you to the appointment.
I, __________________ confirm the following:
I am not suffering from a temperature
I do not have a dry persistent cough or any other symptoms of Covid 19
I have not been in contact with anyone known to have Covid 19 or symptoms relating to it within the last 14 days
I agree to that:
I will be required to hand sanitise on arrival and before leaving.
Only one person will be allowed in the treatment room at any given time and their temperature will be taken on arrival by non-contact thermometer.
All regulation sterile procedures will be adhered to and I will be wearing regulation PPE.
Name (Print):
Signature: :Date
This section to be completed by the practitioner
This is to advise that I, (practitioner insert your name), have adhered to government isolation protocols and, as of today, I do not have a temperature or any symptoms of infection, including those of Covid19.
My last Covid19 test was negative (Delete if you have not had one). Upon arrival please ring ********** and I will open the door for you to minimise door handle contact. I shall be wearing regulation PPE, gloves, disposable apron, facemask and visor.
Name (Print):
Signature: :Date